
Gateway: A computer that sits between different networks or applications. The gateway converts information, data or other communications from one protocol or format to another. A router may perform some of the functions of a gateway. An Internet gateway can transfer communications between an enterprise network and the Internet. Because enterprises often use protocols on their local-area networks (LANs) that differ from those of the Internet, a gateway will often act as a protocol converter so that users can send and receive communications over the Internet. src

Proxy: A proxy server is a computer system or router that functions as a relay between client and server. It helps prevent an attacker from invading a private network and is one of several tools used to build a firewall. src

API: Application Programming Interface src

Front-End: The head, starting point or input side in a system. For example, it may refer to the graphical interface on a user’s workstation where all data are entered or to a communications system, such as a front end processor or TP monitor that accepts incoming transactions and messages. src

Back-End: The support components of an information system. It often refers to the database management system (DBMS), which is the storehouse of the data residing in a server. It may also refer to the software in a Web server or application server that performs the processing initiated by a person using a Web browser (client side). src

SOA: Service Oriented Architecture src

Microapps: an architectural style where independent applications specialized in uses cases together compose a greater whole while sharing enterprise resources. src

Microfrontends: Micro-frontend architecture is a design approach in which a front-end app is decomposed into individual, semi-independent “microapps” working loosely together. The micro-frontend concept is vaguely inspired by, and named after, microservices. src

Zero Trust Architecture: is the term for an evolving set of cybersecurity paradigms that move defenses from static, network-based perimeters to focus on users, assets, and resources. Zero trust assumes there is no implicit trust granted to assets or user accounts based solely on their physical or network location (i.e., local area networks versus the internet) or based on asset ownership (enterprise or personally owned). Authentication and authorization (both subject and device) are discrete functions performed before a session to an enterprise resource is established. src

Service Mesh: A service mesh is a configurable, low latency infrastructure layer designed to handle a high volume of network based interprocess communication among application infrastructure services using application programming interfaces (APIs). A service mesh ensures that communication among containerized and often ephemeral application infrastructure services is fast, reliable, and secure. The mesh provides critical capabilities including service discovery, load balancing, encryption, observability, traceability, authentication and authorization, and support for the circuit breaker pattern. src