Cloud-Native Micro Applications Characteristics

Cloud Native micro applications have these caharacteristics:

  • Highly maintainable and testable

  • Loosely coupled

  • Independently deployable

  • Organized around business capabilities

  • Organized by small, specialized, and efficient teams

  • Technology agnostic

  • Vendor neutral

  • Vendor friendly

  • Highly scalable

  • Distributed by default

  • Multi-cloud by default

  • Edged by default

  • Mix and match architectures

  • Componentization via use cases

  • Built on top of microservices architectures, but no limited to it

  • Organized around business leadership

  • User-centric approach

  • Focus on uses cases, not technology

  • Centralized governance

  • Decentralized data management

  • Infrastructure automation

  • Portable

  • Fast recovery

  • Evolutionary design

  • Independent scaling

  • Replaceability

  • Legacy integration

  • Communication is asynchronous

  • Diverse architecture friendly